Word has been spreading rapidly that Wheesung is being summoned for investigation regarding propofol abuse, and in response, the singer's legal team has now issued a statement denying the claims.

The singer's lawyers stated, "All the reps of the clinics that Wheesung visited testified that he was not illegally administered propofol, but that he had been administered the drug for its original use as anesthesia... Various clinics and medical professionals have submitted their official opinions about how in the case of Wheesung's procedures, propofol is often used. Even the prosecution has asked us to gather statements like this."

"This case is different from that of Lee Seung Yeon, Hyun Young, and other celebrities who have been administered propofol for illegal purposes. You cannot compare this case with those cases as they are different... It is certain that Wheesung is not at fault. Even if he is indicted, it's already been concluded internally among legal representatives that he won't be found guilty."

The lawyers stressed once again that Wheesung is innocent, saying, "Wheesung feels he has been wronged. He has been hurt by this even though it's not true and his activities after being discharged from the military will also take a hit."

Ever since Amy's propofol controversy last year, many celebrities have come under suspicion for the same charges. The latest batch included Lee Seung Yeon, Hyun Young, Jang Mi In Ae, as well as Park Si Yeon, who insisted that the propofol was used for the treatment of an earlier injury but was found to have been administered the drug excessively, amounting to 185 times.

Berita telah menyebar cepat bahwa Wheesung sedang dipanggil untuk investigasi mengenai penyalahgunaan propofol, dan sebagai respons, tim hukum penyanyi itu kini telah mengeluarkan pernyataan menyangkal isu.
Pengacara penyanyi itu menyatakan, "Semua laporan klinik yang Wheesung kunjungi bersaksi bahwa ia tidak diberikan propofol secara ilegal, tetapi bahwa ia telah diberikan obat untuk digunakan sebagai anestesi aslinya ... Berbagai klinik dan profesional medis telah mengajukan pendapat resmi mereka  tentang bagaimana dalam kasus prosedur Wheesung, propofol sering digunakan. Bahkan jaksa telah meminta kami untuk mengumpulkan pernyataan seperti ini. "
"Kasus ini berbeda dari Lee Seung Yeon, Hyun Young, dan selebriti lainnya yang telah diberikan propofol untuk tujuan ilegal. Anda tidak bisa membandingkan kasus ini dengan kasus-kasus karena mereka berbeda ... Sudah pasti bahwa Wheesung tidak melakukan kesalahan. Bahkan jika dia didakwa, itu sudah menyimpulkan internal antara perwakilan hukum bahwa ia tidak akan ditemukan bersalah. "

Para pengacara menekankan sekali lagi bahwa Wheesung tidak bersalah, mengatakan, "Wheesung merasa dia telah dirugikan. Dia telah terluka oleh hal ini meskipun itu tidak benar dan aktivitasnya setelah keluar dari militer juga akan menerima pukulan."

Sejak  kontroversi propofol Amy tahun lalu, banyak selebriti  dicurigai karena tuduhan yang sama. Kasus terbaru termasuk Lee Seung Yeon, Hyun Young, Jang Mi In Ae, serta Park Si Yeon, yang bersikeras bahwa propofol itu digunakan untuk pengobatan cedera sebelumnya tetapi ditemukan telah diberikan obat secara berlebihan, sebanyak 185 kali....


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