Yookyung‘s label A Cube Entertainment spoke up to state that Yookyung’s departure from A-Pink was agreed upon.
Yookyung’s father had revealed that Yookyung’s leaving was a one-way notification and that they’d only heard about it a short time ago. But when A Cube Entertainment maintained their stance that the reason behind her departure was true, Yookyung’s father spoke up again and said, “Please stop giving false information to media. I have no choice but to respond.”
A week later on May 2nd, he said, “As you can see from the recent Korean Air attendant situation* or the Lotte Hotel situation*, it is no longer acceptable for you to use people’s rights in any way you want just because you are in power. Our society has matured so much in recent years.”
A day later on May 3rd, he added, “I have requested her label to issue an honest apology to fans and to return Yookyung to her post. Fans, please help her.”
In a phone call with media outlet Sports Donga, A Cube Entertainment replied, “We’ve been having many discussions about Yookyung’s departure with her parents since March. We have an agreement written in place with her parents on her departure, and she left with that agreement. We cannot reveal the contents of the agreement, but we would never make her leave without agreement.”
Reference: (*) = Korean Air attendant situation is referring to when a company executive made numerous complaints to a stewardess in Business class of a Korean Airline flight. After the complaints, he hit the stewardess several times with a magazine. When he landed in the United States, the authorities were informed of this and gave him the option of 1) Returning to Korea without being arrested or 2) Being investigated for Terrorism (violence on a flight). Netizens left many negative comments at this company executive for his abhorrent behavior.
(*) = Lotte Hotel situation is referring to when a Chairman of a Bakery parked in the “No Parking” zone of a Lotte Hotel. The doorman of the Hotel politely asked this man to park elsewhere as that is a no parking zone, however, the man turned violent and hit the doorman with his wallet. After the news blew up, the bakery had to close down and numerous meme-like comics were made of this situation.
Yookyung’s father had revealed that Yookyung’s leaving was a one-way notification and that they’d only heard about it a short time ago. But when A Cube Entertainment maintained their stance that the reason behind her departure was true, Yookyung’s father spoke up again and said, “Please stop giving false information to media. I have no choice but to respond.”
A week later on May 2nd, he said, “As you can see from the recent Korean Air attendant situation* or the Lotte Hotel situation*, it is no longer acceptable for you to use people’s rights in any way you want just because you are in power. Our society has matured so much in recent years.”
A day later on May 3rd, he added, “I have requested her label to issue an honest apology to fans and to return Yookyung to her post. Fans, please help her.”
In a phone call with media outlet Sports Donga, A Cube Entertainment replied, “We’ve been having many discussions about Yookyung’s departure with her parents since March. We have an agreement written in place with her parents on her departure, and she left with that agreement. We cannot reveal the contents of the agreement, but we would never make her leave without agreement.”
Reference: (*) = Korean Air attendant situation is referring to when a company executive made numerous complaints to a stewardess in Business class of a Korean Airline flight. After the complaints, he hit the stewardess several times with a magazine. When he landed in the United States, the authorities were informed of this and gave him the option of 1) Returning to Korea without being arrested or 2) Being investigated for Terrorism (violence on a flight). Netizens left many negative comments at this company executive for his abhorrent behavior.
(*) = Lotte Hotel situation is referring to when a Chairman of a Bakery parked in the “No Parking” zone of a Lotte Hotel. The doorman of the Hotel politely asked this man to park elsewhere as that is a no parking zone, however, the man turned violent and hit the doorman with his wallet. After the news blew up, the bakery had to close down and numerous meme-like comics were made of this situation.
Agensi Yookyung, Cube Entertainment berbicara untuk menyatakan bahwa
kepergian Yookyung dari A-Pink adalah berdasarkan keputusan yang sudah
Ayah Yookyung telah mengungkapkan bahwa kepergian Yookyung adalah
pemberitahuan sepihak dan bahwa mereka hanya pernah mendengar tentang
hal itu dalam waktu yang singkat. Tapi ketika Cube Entertainment
mempertahankan sikap mereka bahwa alasan di balik keberangkatannya itu
benar, ayah Yookyung berbicara lagi dan berkata, “Silakan berhenti memberi informasi palsu untuk media. Saya tidak punya pilihan selain untuk merespon. “
Seminggu kemudian pada tanggal 2 Mei, ia berkata, “Seperti yang
dapat kamu lihat dari situasi petugas Korean Air atau situasi Lotte
Hotel, tidak lagi dapat diterima bagi kalian untuk menggunakan hak-hak
rakyat dengan cara apapun yang kalian inginkan hanya karena kalian
berkuasa. Masyarakat kita begitu dewasa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. “
Sehari kemudian pada tanggal 3 Mei, ia menambahkan, “Saya telah
meminta agensinya untuk mengeluarkan permintaan maaf jujur ??kepada
penggemar dan untuk mengembalikan Yookyung ke posisinya. Fans, tolong
bantuannya. “
Dalam panggilan telepon dengan outlet media Sports Donga, Cube Entertainment menjawab, “Kami
sudah melakukan banyak diskusi tentang kepergian Yookyung dengan
orangtuanya sejak Maret lalu. Kami memiliki perjanjian tertulis di
tempat dengan orang tuanya mengenai kepergiannya, dan ia pergi dengan
perjanjian tersebut. Kami tidak dapat mengungkapkan isi perjanjian
tersebut, tapi kami tidak pernah membuat dia berhenti tanpa kesepakatan.
(*) = Situasi Petugas Korean Air adalah mengacu pada ketika seorang
eksekutif perusahaan membuat banyak keluhan ke seorang pramugari di kelas
Bisnis dari penerbangan Korea Airline. Setelah keluhan, ia memukul pramugari beberapa kali dengan sebuah majalah . Ketika
ia mendarat di Amerika Serikat, pihak berwenang diberitahu kejadian ini dan
memberinya pilihan 1) Kembali ke Korea tanpa ditangkap atau 2) Menjadi
diselidiki untuk Terorisme (kekerasan dalam penerbangan). Netizens meninggalkan banyak komentar negatif pada eksekutif perusahaan untuk perilaku menjijikkannya.
(*) = Lotte Hotel situasi adalah mengacu pada ketika sebuah Ketua sebuah Bakery parkir di zona "No Parking" dari Lotte Hotel. Petugas parkir dari Hotel dengan sopan meminta orang ini untuk memarkir di tempat lain karena itu adalah zona no parkir .Namun pria itu berubah menjadi kekerasan dan menekan petugas parkir dengan dompetnya. Setelah berita keluar, toko roti harus mengalami penuruna dan banyak komik dibuat dari situasi ini.
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