The agencies of Roy Kim and actress Park Soo Jin have been trying to calm love rumors, saying they are currently checking with the stars themselves.
On June 27, a rep from Roy Kim′s agency told enews, "We are checking with Roy Kim on whether he and Park Soo Jin are dating. We′ll release an official stance as soon as we′re finished."
An official from Park Soo Jin′s agency Double M Entertainment also told enews, "We haven′t heard anything from [Park Soo Jin] about the rumors. We′ll check with her and release an official stance."
This day, a media outlet had reported that the two stars had been dating for four months. They apparently met through the MBC radio show Hope Song at Noon, which Roy Kim hosts with fellow Mnet Superstar K4 alumni Jung Joon Young.
Park Soo Jin had shown she′s a big fan of Roy Kim when she guested on the radio show in February.
Their agencies, however, have been trying to tread carefully on the issue.
In the meantime, Roy Kim has been promoting his first studio album Love Love Love. Park Soo Jin has been cast for the KBS2 drama Knife and Flower.
On June 27, a rep from Roy Kim′s agency told enews, "We are checking with Roy Kim on whether he and Park Soo Jin are dating. We′ll release an official stance as soon as we′re finished."
An official from Park Soo Jin′s agency Double M Entertainment also told enews, "We haven′t heard anything from [Park Soo Jin] about the rumors. We′ll check with her and release an official stance."
This day, a media outlet had reported that the two stars had been dating for four months. They apparently met through the MBC radio show Hope Song at Noon, which Roy Kim hosts with fellow Mnet Superstar K4 alumni Jung Joon Young.
Park Soo Jin had shown she′s a big fan of Roy Kim when she guested on the radio show in February.
Their agencies, however, have been trying to tread carefully on the issue.
In the meantime, Roy Kim has been promoting his first studio album Love Love Love. Park Soo Jin has been cast for the KBS2 drama Knife and Flower.
Agency penyanyi Roy Kim dan aktris Park Soo Jin telah mencoba untuk menenangkan rumor cinta, mengatakan mereka sedang memeriksa dengan bintang-bintang sendiri.
Pada tanggal 27 Juni, seorang perwakilan dari agensi Roy Kim mengatakan kepada eNews, "Kami memeriksa dengan Roy Kim pada apakah ia dan Park Soo Jin berpacaran. Kami akan merilis sikap resmi segera setelah kami selesai."
Seorang pejabat dari agency Park Soo JinDouble M Entertainment juga mengatakan eNews, "Kami belum mendengar apa-apa dari [Park Soo Jin] tentang rumor. Kami akan memeriksa dengan dia dan merilis sikap resmi."
Hari ini, outlet media telah melaporkan bahwa dua bintang telah berpacaran selama empat bulan. Mereka tampaknya bertemu melalui acara radio MBC show Hope Song at Noon dimana Roy Kim menjadi host dengan sesama alumni Mnet Superstar K4 Jung Joon Young.
Park Soo Jin telah menunjukkan dia penggemar Roy Kim ketika dia menjadi bintang tamu di acara radio pada bulan Februari.
Agency mereka, bagaimanapun, telah mencoba untuk melangkah hati-hati dalam masalah ini.
Sementara itu, Roy Kim telah mempromosikan album studio pertamanya Love Love Love. Park Soo Jin telah dicasting untuk drama KBS2 Knife and Flower.
Pada tanggal 27 Juni, seorang perwakilan dari agensi Roy Kim mengatakan kepada eNews, "Kami memeriksa dengan Roy Kim pada apakah ia dan Park Soo Jin berpacaran. Kami akan merilis sikap resmi segera setelah kami selesai."
Seorang pejabat dari agency Park Soo JinDouble M Entertainment juga mengatakan eNews, "Kami belum mendengar apa-apa dari [Park Soo Jin] tentang rumor. Kami akan memeriksa dengan dia dan merilis sikap resmi."
Hari ini, outlet media telah melaporkan bahwa dua bintang telah berpacaran selama empat bulan. Mereka tampaknya bertemu melalui acara radio MBC show Hope Song at Noon dimana Roy Kim menjadi host dengan sesama alumni Mnet Superstar K4 Jung Joon Young.
Park Soo Jin telah menunjukkan dia penggemar Roy Kim ketika dia menjadi bintang tamu di acara radio pada bulan Februari.
Agency mereka, bagaimanapun, telah mencoba untuk melangkah hati-hati dalam masalah ini.
Sementara itu, Roy Kim telah mempromosikan album studio pertamanya Love Love Love. Park Soo Jin telah dicasting untuk drama KBS2 Knife and Flower.
#Wah kalau bener banyak fans cewek yang patah hati nech haha
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