Super Junior Eunhyuk’s family was not expecting the entire cast of SBS’ Barefooted Friends to come to their house, but it was Barefooted Friends who was caught with surprise when Eunhyuk’s older sister came into view.

On June 9’s broadcast of Barefooted Friends, the cast went around, dropping in on each other’s houses unannounced. Despite the sudden visits, the families of the casts were pleasantly welcoming, even serving food to the nomads.

When the cast dropped in at Eunhyuk’s house, Eunhyuk’s older sister, Lee Sora, opened the door, not only surprising the cast, but the viewers with her beauty and charms.

When the cast asked Lee Sora what kind of younger brother Eunhyuk was, she cleverly replied, “A younger brother who has a lot of money.” She later added that he bought their house and a car, implying that Eunhyuk is a younger brother who doesn’t waste his money and spends for his family.

She was also asked if she would go on a blind date with singer Kim Bum Soo, continuing a joke from an earlier episode. Lee Sora jokingly replied that she would, “but only if we talked on the phone.”

Following the broadcast, netizens were quite taken away by Lee Sora’s beauty, commenting, “Eunhyuk’s older sister is pretty,” “Eunhyuk’s sister has variety skills,” and “I wish I had an older sister like her and a younger brother like Eunhyuk.”

Keluarga  Eunhyuk Super Junior tidak menyangka seluruh pemain SBS’ Barefooted Friends untuk datang ke rumah mereka, tapi pemain SBS’ Barefooted Friends terkejut ketika kakak Eunhyuk muncul.

Pada siaran 9 Juni SBS’ Barefooted Friends, pemain berkeliling, mampir di rumah masing-masing tanpa pemberitahuan. Meskipun kunjungan mendadak, keluarga para pemain ramah menyambut, bahkan melayani makanan untuk para tamu.

Ketika pemainsampai  di rumah Eunhyuk, kakak Eunhyuk, Lee Sora, membuka pintu, tidak hanya mengejutkan para pemain, tapi para penonton dengan kecantikannya dan pesonanya.

Ketika pemain meminta Lee Sora bercerita tentang seperti apa adiknya Eunhyuk, dia cerdik menjawab, "Seorang adik yang memiliki banyak uang." Dia kemudian menambahkan bahwa ia membeli rumah dan mobil, menyiratkan bahwa Eunhyuk adalah adik yang tidak membuang-buang uang dan menghabiskan untuk keluarganya.

Dia juga ditanya apakah dia akan pergi kencan buta dengan penyanyi Kim Bum Soo, melanjutkan lelucon dari episode sebelumnya. Lee Sora bercanda menjawab bahwa dia akan, "tetapi hanya jika kita berbicara di telepon."

Setelah siaran, netizens cukup dibawa pergi oleh kecantikan Lee Sora, berkomentar, "kakak perempuan Eunhyuk  cantik," "kakak Eunhyuk memiliki berbagai keterampilan," dan "Saya berharap saya punya seorang kakak seperti dia dan adik seperti Eunhyuk. "


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