Aktor Yoo Ah-In telah ditawarkan peran pria utama dalam film baru  SERVE THE PEOPLE  (judul harfiah "Inmineul Wihae Bokmoohara"). Film ini akan disutradarai oleh Jang Cheol-Soo ("Secretly Greatly"/"Bedevilled") dan didasarkan pada novel cina  "wei Renmin FUWU" karya Yan Lian Ke.

Saat ini, Yoo Ah-In memiliki beberapa tawaran untuk film yang akan mulai diproduksi musim gugur ini dan
SERVE THE PEOPLE adalah salah satu film yang ia "sangat mempertimbangkan". 

SERVE THE PEOPLE diatur bersetting di Korea Utara dan akan memiliki beberapa adegan seksual yang eksplisit. Alur cerita melibatkan  jendral dan istrinya yang tinggal bersama, tapi sang jendral  impoten secara seksual. Seorang prajurit muda kemudian datang untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah bagi pasangan. Prajurit muda akan dimainkan oleh Yoo Ah-In jika dia menerima.

Selain itu,Film lain Yoo Ah-In  "Ggang Chul Yi" sekarang sementara ditetapkan untuk rilis Oktober ini di Korea Selatan.

#Andweeee oppa Andweeeee jangan main film aneh-aneh ntar cintaku padamu bisa luntur hua andweeee jangan di terima oppaaaaa T_T

Actor Yoo Ah-In has been offered the lead male role in new movie SERVE THE PEOPLE (literal title of "Inmineul Wihae Bokmoohara"). The movie will be directed by Jang Cheol-Soo ("Secretly Greatly"/"Bedevilled") and is based on the Chinese novel "Wèi rénmín fúwù" by Yan Lian Ke.

Currently, Yoo Ah-In has several offers for movies that will begin production this autumn and SERVE THE PEOPLE is one of the films that he is "highly considering". SERVE THE PEOPLE is set in North Korea and will have some sexually explicit scenes. The storyline involves a general and his wife who live together, but the general is sexually impotent. A young soldier then comes by to do house chores for the couple. That young soldier would be played by Yoo Ah-In if he accepts.

In addition, Yoo Ah-In's upcoming film "Ggang Chul Yi" is now tentatively set for release this October in South Korea.


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