Moon Geun Young, Lee Kwang Soo, dan Lee Sang Yoon mengambil istirahat dari jadwal syuting yang padat untuk berpose sebagai 'grup idola', mengenakan kostum mereka dari drama MBC,'Goddess of Fire Jeongi'!
Dengan Pose karismatik , trio bisa lulus untuk grup idola rookie bertema historis . Namun, tidak peduli seberapa keras ia mencoba, Lee Kwang Soo tampak canggung, kan?
Dipicu oleh persahabatan ini, drama telah secara konsisten berada di peringkar # 1 rating pemirsa selama tayang dua kali mingguan.
#Huaaaa Lee Sang Yoon oppa gokiiiillll
Dengan Pose karismatik , trio bisa lulus untuk grup idola rookie bertema historis . Namun, tidak peduli seberapa keras ia mencoba, Lee Kwang Soo tampak canggung, kan?
Dipicu oleh persahabatan ini, drama telah secara konsisten berada di peringkar # 1 rating pemirsa selama tayang dua kali mingguan.
#Huaaaa Lee Sang Yoon oppa gokiiiillll
Actors Moon Geun Young, Lee Kwang Soo, and Lee Sang Yoon took a break from the hectic filming schedule to pose as an 'idol group', dressed in their costumes from the MBC drama, 'Goddess of Fire Jeongi'!
Assuming charismatic poses, the trio could pass for a historically-themed rookie idol group. However, no matter how hard he tries, Lee Kwang Soo just can't seem to escape from looking awkward, can he?
Spurred by this camaraderie, the drama has been consistently hitting the #1 viewer ratings during its twice-weekly run. You can catch this delightful trio on MBC's Monday-Tuesday drama slot!
Assuming charismatic poses, the trio could pass for a historically-themed rookie idol group. However, no matter how hard he tries, Lee Kwang Soo just can't seem to escape from looking awkward, can he?
Spurred by this camaraderie, the drama has been consistently hitting the #1 viewer ratings during its twice-weekly run. You can catch this delightful trio on MBC's Monday-Tuesday drama slot!
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