Lee Jong Suk has shown again and again that he looks amazing in a school uniform, but even though it may look natural for him, he actually has to put in a lot of effort into looking great in it.
The young actor had to wear a high school uniform for his role on 'School 2013' as well as his latest drama 'I Hear Your Voice', and he was asked about how he felt in uniform on 'One Night of TV Entertainment'. He said, "I'm in my mid-twenties, so I have a problem. I have to shave 2-3 times a day because I'm in a school uniform. My facial hair grows pretty fast, so I have to take care of it every time I get in a school uniform."
On having jumped up 950 places in online search results after 'School 2013', he said, "For me to feel a difference, I have to go out, but I never went out because I was busy from my dramas. Before, I'd search my name when I thought I did a good job acting, but I wouldn't rank up in search terms. But once when I talked to Kwanghee on the phone on a variety show, I ranked high."
The young actor had to wear a high school uniform for his role on 'School 2013' as well as his latest drama 'I Hear Your Voice', and he was asked about how he felt in uniform on 'One Night of TV Entertainment'. He said, "I'm in my mid-twenties, so I have a problem. I have to shave 2-3 times a day because I'm in a school uniform. My facial hair grows pretty fast, so I have to take care of it every time I get in a school uniform."
On having jumped up 950 places in online search results after 'School 2013', he said, "For me to feel a difference, I have to go out, but I never went out because I was busy from my dramas. Before, I'd search my name when I thought I did a good job acting, but I wouldn't rank up in search terms. But once when I talked to Kwanghee on the phone on a variety show, I ranked high."
Lee Jong Suk telah menunjukkan lagi dan lagi bahwa dia tampak luar biasa dalam seragam sekolah, tapi meskipun mungkin terlihat alami baginya, dia benar-benar berusaha banyak.
Aktor muda ini harus memakai seragam SMA untuk perannya di 'School 2013' serta drama terbarunya
'I Hear Your Voice',
dan ia ditanya tentang bagaimana perasaannya dalam seragam pada' One Night TV Entertainment '.
Dia berkata, "Aku di pertengahan dua puluhan, jadi saya punya masalah. Aku harus mencukur 2-3 kali sehari karena aku dalam seragam sekolah. Rambut wajah saya tumbuh cukup cepat, jadi saya harus peduli itu setiap kali saya memakai seragam sekolah. "
Setelah ia populer di hasil pencarian online setelah 'School 2013', ia berkata, "Bagi saya merasakan perbedaan, aku harus pergi keluar, tapi aku tidak pernah pergi keluar karena aku sibuk dari drama saya. Sebelumnya, saya mencari nama saya ketika saya pikir saya melakukan pekerjaan yang baik dalaam akting, tapi aku tidak akan berpikir tentang peringkat dalam istilah pencarian. tapi sekali ketika saya berbicara dengan Kwanghee di telepon pada variety show, aku peringkat tinggi. "
#Rambut wajah Lee Jong Suk tumbuh cukup cepat ?? Btw kayak gimana ya kalo Lee Jong Suk jenggotan hahahaha #penasaran
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