While America celebrates the Fourth of July, the idol world celebrates B2ST′s leader Yoon Du Jun’s birthday, as the star turns 24 today!

In response to the fans’ outpour of love on his birthday, Yoon Du Jun tweeted on July 4, “Everyone, thank you so much!!!!!!”

Following the release of Will You Be Alright? and I’m Sorry, B2ST will greet fans at its Seoul concerts later this month on July 20 and 21.

In the meantime, help us wish Yoon Du Jun a happy birthday!

Sementara Amerika merayakan 4 Juli, dunia idola merayakan ulang tahun Leader B2ST Yoon Do Joon karena sang bintang bertambah usianya menjadi 24 hari ini!

Dalam menanggapi pencurahan cinta  para fans pada hari ulang tahunnya, Yoon Do Joon tweeted pada 4 Juli, "Semua orang, terima kasih banyak!!"

Setelah rilis Will You Be Alright? dan
I’m Sorry, B2ST akan menyapa fans di konser Seoul akhir bulan ini pada tanggal 20 Juli dan 21.

Memperingati Ultahnya yuk kita liat foto-foto doi :)

It′s tough being a baby. Everyone needs a break sometimes.
Yoon Du Jun was born camera ready.
Yoon Du Jun is a natural performer.
This one′s for the chubby chasers!
Oh, hey there, handsome.
What is going on here...


#Akhirnya Saengil Chuka Hamnida Uri Chagiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #plakkkkkk


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