Bintang Dunia Psy didukung oleh beberapa fans yang mirip dengannya
Sebuah foto dari fans club Psy pada tahun 2002 menerima cukup perhatian saat ini. Foto di atas dibagi pada papan komunitas online dengan judul, , "Psy's fan club picture in 2002."
Foto menunjukkan Psy mengambil foto dikelilingi oleh banyak penggemar laki-laki. Pada pandangan pertama, itu hampir sulit untuk memilih Psy dari keramaian karena semua fansnya berbagi fitur yang sangat mirip dengan sang penyanyi.
Dengan foto menyebar secara online, pemirsa berkomentar hal-hal seperti, "Dia pasti dikalikan", "Siapa Psy", "Finding Psy, sangat lucu", dan "Aku tertawa keras saat aku melihat ini."
Sebuah foto dari fans club Psy pada tahun 2002 menerima cukup perhatian saat ini. Foto di atas dibagi pada papan komunitas online dengan judul, , "Psy's fan club picture in 2002."
Foto menunjukkan Psy mengambil foto dikelilingi oleh banyak penggemar laki-laki. Pada pandangan pertama, itu hampir sulit untuk memilih Psy dari keramaian karena semua fansnya berbagi fitur yang sangat mirip dengan sang penyanyi.
Dengan foto menyebar secara online, pemirsa berkomentar hal-hal seperti, "Dia pasti dikalikan", "Siapa Psy", "Finding Psy, sangat lucu", dan "Aku tertawa keras saat aku melihat ini."
World star Psy is supported by some unique fans just like him, and we mean just like him.
A picture of Psy's fan club back in 2002 is receiving quite the attention today. The above picture was shared on an online community board with the title, "Psy's fan club picture in 2002."
The picture showed Psy taking a picture surrounded by numerous male fans. At a first glance, it's almost dificult to pick out Psy from the crowd because all of his fans share very similar features as the singer.
As the picture spread online, viewers commented things like, "He must have multiplied", "Who's Psy", "Finding Psy, so funny", and "I bursted out laughing the moment I saw this."
A picture of Psy's fan club back in 2002 is receiving quite the attention today. The above picture was shared on an online community board with the title, "Psy's fan club picture in 2002."
The picture showed Psy taking a picture surrounded by numerous male fans. At a first glance, it's almost dificult to pick out Psy from the crowd because all of his fans share very similar features as the singer.
As the picture spread online, viewers commented things like, "He must have multiplied", "Who's Psy", "Finding Psy, so funny", and "I bursted out laughing the moment I saw this."
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