Suzy Miss A
(19) terlihat bersama dengan lawan mainnya di drama Gu Family Book Sung
Joon (23), membuat rumor kencan antara keduanya
Outlet media Sports Seoul merilis laporan
dugaan kencan mereka yang berlangsung pada bulan September,
sehari setelah ulang tahun Suzy (10 Oktober).
Suzy terlihat dengan seorang teman pada tanggal 24 September 2013. Keduanya naik taksi ke desa Seorae di mana mereka berhenti di villa dan beralih ke mobil Mercedes Benz perak, yang Suzy setir sendiri. Keduanya dijemput oleh model yang beralih menjadi aktor Sung Joon .
Trio ini kemudian mengunjungi sebuah restoran Jepang di Cheongdamdong di daerah Gangnam dimana ketiganya menikmati makan malam, tertawa dan tersenyum. Mereka kemudian menuju ke bar di mana mereka duduk di lokasi yang agak tertutup sehingga Suzy tidak akan dikenali. Meskipun bisa ditafsirkan hanya sebagai pertemuan antara teman-teman pada saat ini dengan teman perempuan yang juga ikut , setelah keluar dari gedung Sung Joon terlihat meletakkan lengannya di bahu Suzy. Menurut Sports Seoul, Suzy tampaknya tidak merasa canggung dan bermain dengan jari-jarinya menunjukkan kasih sayang juga.
Dengan penggemar bertanya-tanya apakah cinta tak berbalas pada ' Gu Family Book' antara dua lawan main ini sebenarnya telah berkembang menjadi asmara kehidupan nyata seorang perwakilan dari JYP Entertainment menanggapi dengan cepat: "Suzy dan Sung Joon diketahui teman dekat. Mereka juga sering bertemu dengan rekan-bintang ' Gu Family Book' Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Yoo Bi. Mereka biasa menghabiskan waktu bersama. Suzy dan Sung Joon hanya rekan dekat . "
Perwakilan agency juga menegaskan, "Suzy dan Sung Joon hanya berteman. Mereka pasti tidak berkencan."
Suzy terlihat dengan seorang teman pada tanggal 24 September 2013. Keduanya naik taksi ke desa Seorae di mana mereka berhenti di villa dan beralih ke mobil Mercedes Benz perak, yang Suzy setir sendiri. Keduanya dijemput oleh model yang beralih menjadi aktor Sung Joon .
Trio ini kemudian mengunjungi sebuah restoran Jepang di Cheongdamdong di daerah Gangnam dimana ketiganya menikmati makan malam, tertawa dan tersenyum. Mereka kemudian menuju ke bar di mana mereka duduk di lokasi yang agak tertutup sehingga Suzy tidak akan dikenali. Meskipun bisa ditafsirkan hanya sebagai pertemuan antara teman-teman pada saat ini dengan teman perempuan yang juga ikut , setelah keluar dari gedung Sung Joon terlihat meletakkan lengannya di bahu Suzy. Menurut Sports Seoul, Suzy tampaknya tidak merasa canggung dan bermain dengan jari-jarinya menunjukkan kasih sayang juga.
Dengan penggemar bertanya-tanya apakah cinta tak berbalas pada ' Gu Family Book' antara dua lawan main ini sebenarnya telah berkembang menjadi asmara kehidupan nyata seorang perwakilan dari JYP Entertainment menanggapi dengan cepat: "Suzy dan Sung Joon diketahui teman dekat. Mereka juga sering bertemu dengan rekan-bintang ' Gu Family Book' Lee Seung Gi dan Lee Yoo Bi. Mereka biasa menghabiskan waktu bersama. Suzy dan Sung Joon hanya rekan dekat . "
Perwakilan agency juga menegaskan, "Suzy dan Sung Joon hanya berteman. Mereka pasti tidak berkencan."
#Wah wah, kalo pun mereka kencan juga nggak pa2 kok :D

miss A's Suzy (19) was spotted on an outing with her 'Book of the House of Gu' co-star Sung Joon (23), raising rumors about the two being a couple.
As if timing couldn't be any better, media outlet Sports Seoul released the report of their alleged date that took place back in September a day after Suzy's birthday (October 10).
Suzy was spotted with a friend on the 24th. The two of them took a taxi to Seorae Village where they stopped by a villa and switched cars to a silver Mercedes Benz, which Suzy drove herself. The two picked up model-turned-actor Sung Joon along the way.
The trio visited a Japanese restaurant in Cheongdamdong, Gangnam where the three enjoyed dinner, laughing and smiling. They then headed to a bar where they sat at a discreet location so that Suzy wouldn't be recognized. Although it could have been interpreted as just a meeting between friends at this point with another female friend present, after exiting the building Sung Joon was spotted putting his arm around Suzy's shoulder. According to Sports Seoul, Suzy didn't seem to mind and played with his fingers showing her affection as well.
With fans wondering whether the unrequited love on 'Book of the House of Gu' between the two co-stars had actually blossomed into real-life romance, a rep from JYP Entertainment responded with the quickness: "Suzy and Sung Joon are known to be close friends. They also meet up often with their 'Book of the House of Gu' co-stars Lee Seung Gi and Lee Yoo Bi. They have a mutual friend who they ate and spend time with. Suzy and Sung Joon are just close colleagues."
Another agency rep also confirmed, "Suzy and Sung Joon are just friends. They are definitely not dating."
As if timing couldn't be any better, media outlet Sports Seoul released the report of their alleged date that took place back in September a day after Suzy's birthday (October 10).
Suzy was spotted with a friend on the 24th. The two of them took a taxi to Seorae Village where they stopped by a villa and switched cars to a silver Mercedes Benz, which Suzy drove herself. The two picked up model-turned-actor Sung Joon along the way.
The trio visited a Japanese restaurant in Cheongdamdong, Gangnam where the three enjoyed dinner, laughing and smiling. They then headed to a bar where they sat at a discreet location so that Suzy wouldn't be recognized. Although it could have been interpreted as just a meeting between friends at this point with another female friend present, after exiting the building Sung Joon was spotted putting his arm around Suzy's shoulder. According to Sports Seoul, Suzy didn't seem to mind and played with his fingers showing her affection as well.
With fans wondering whether the unrequited love on 'Book of the House of Gu' between the two co-stars had actually blossomed into real-life romance, a rep from JYP Entertainment responded with the quickness: "Suzy and Sung Joon are known to be close friends. They also meet up often with their 'Book of the House of Gu' co-stars Lee Seung Gi and Lee Yoo Bi. They have a mutual friend who they ate and spend time with. Suzy and Sung Joon are just close colleagues."
Another agency rep also confirmed, "Suzy and Sung Joon are just friends. They are definitely not dating."
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