Sudah cukup lama sejak Lee Min Ho terakhir datang ke Singapura. Kabar baik untuk Minoz!
Aktor Panas dan penyanyi Lee Min Ho akan kembali ke Singapura bulan Desember ini sebagai duta merek Innisfree kosmetik Korea. Ia tidak hanya akan menghadiri acara peluncuran resmi Innisfree, tetapi juga bertemu para penggemarnya di sana.
Toko pertama Innisfree di Singapura akan dibuka pada 22 November di Takashimaya Shopping Centre.
Toko pertama Innisfree di Singapura akan dibuka pada 22 November di Takashimaya Shopping Centre.
Lihat update beritanya di Facebook Innisfree Singapura
Lee Min Ho to visit Singapore for the launch of Innisfree
It’s been quite a while since Lee Min Ho last came to Singapore. Good news for Minoz! The hot Korean actor cum singer Lee Min Ho will be back in Singapore this December as the ambassador of Korea’s cosmetic brand Innisfree. Not only will he be attending Innisfree’s official launch event, but also meeting his fans here.
Innisfree’s first store in Singapore will open on 22nd November at Takashimaya Shopping Centre. In the meanwhile, keep a look out for more event information on Innisfree’s facebook page!
It’s been quite a while since Lee Min Ho last came to Singapore. Good news for Minoz! The hot Korean actor cum singer Lee Min Ho will be back in Singapore this December as the ambassador of Korea’s cosmetic brand Innisfree. Not only will he be attending Innisfree’s official launch event, but also meeting his fans here.
Innisfree’s first store in Singapore will open on 22nd November at Takashimaya Shopping Centre. In the meanwhile, keep a look out for more event information on Innisfree’s facebook page!
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