Supermodel yang menjadi aktris Lee Da Hee (umur 27 ) adalah pasangan CEO - selebriti berikutnya. Sebelumnya, itu adalah Song Ji Hyo yang berkencan CEO agencynya CEO Baek Chang Joo .
Pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2013, beberapa perwakilan siaran mengungkapkan bahwa Lee Da Hee saat ini sedang berkencan dengan CEO perusahaannya Gu Bon Kwon selama dua tahun terakhir .
Dia membantunya ketika Lee Da Hee tidak di kenal dan membantu kemajuannya sebagai aktris . Setelah mereka bertemu , dia berpartisipasi dalam drama populer SBS " I Hear Your Voice" dan saat ini berpartisipasi dalam KBS "Secret Love. "
Salah satu kenalan dekat mereka mengatakan , " keduanya telah berkencan selama dua tahun . Tapi mereka telah melihat satu sama lain persisnya sekitar setahun . Mereka bertemu karena pekerjaan , tetapi berkembang menjadi cinta . CEO Gu memiliki andil besar dalam membantu dirinya menjadi seorang aktris yang dicari . "
Beberapa aktor yang juga termasuk dalam lembaga Agency Manajemen Gu adalah Lee Yo Won , Cha Ye Ryun , dan Oh Yeon Soo . Sudah terungkap bahwa agency tersebut juga mengelola karir Penyanyi Core Conten Media ' .
Salah satu kenalan dekat mereka mengatakan , " keduanya telah berkencan selama dua tahun . Tapi mereka telah melihat satu sama lain persisnya sekitar setahun . Mereka bertemu karena pekerjaan , tetapi berkembang menjadi cinta . CEO Gu memiliki andil besar dalam membantu dirinya menjadi seorang aktris yang dicari . "
Beberapa aktor yang juga termasuk dalam lembaga Agency Manajemen Gu adalah Lee Yo Won , Cha Ye Ryun , dan Oh Yeon Soo . Sudah terungkap bahwa agency tersebut juga mengelola karir Penyanyi Core Conten Media ' .
Supermodel-turned actress Lee Da Hee (age 27) is the next CEO-celebrity couple. Previously, it was Song Ji Hyo who is dating her agency’s CEO Baek Chang Joo.
On October 15, several broadcast representatives revealed that Lee Da Hee is currently dating her company’s CEO Gu Bon Kwon for the past two years. He took her under his wing when she was unknown and helped her progress as an actress. After they met, she participated in SBS’s popular drama “I Hear Your Voice” and is currently participating in KBS’s “Secret Love.”
One of their close acquaintances said, “By years, the two have been seeing each other for two. But they’ve been seeing each other for exactly around a year. They met because of work, but it progressed into love. CEO Gu had a big hand in helping her become a sought-after actress.”
The agency Management Gu only has actors on its roster. Some of the the actors who also belong in the agency are Lee Yo Won, Cha Ye Ryun, and Oh Yeon Soo. It’s been revealed that the agency also manages Core Content Media’s singers’ careers.
On October 15, several broadcast representatives revealed that Lee Da Hee is currently dating her company’s CEO Gu Bon Kwon for the past two years. He took her under his wing when she was unknown and helped her progress as an actress. After they met, she participated in SBS’s popular drama “I Hear Your Voice” and is currently participating in KBS’s “Secret Love.”
One of their close acquaintances said, “By years, the two have been seeing each other for two. But they’ve been seeing each other for exactly around a year. They met because of work, but it progressed into love. CEO Gu had a big hand in helping her become a sought-after actress.”
The agency Management Gu only has actors on its roster. Some of the the actors who also belong in the agency are Lee Yo Won, Cha Ye Ryun, and Oh Yeon Soo. It’s been revealed that the agency also manages Core Content Media’s singers’ careers.
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