Setelah berita malang yang menimpa Jinwoon 2AM yang mengalami sebuah kecelakaan mobil dengan sebuah truk 25 ton , pihaknya meyakinkan penggemar bahwa operasi daruratnya berjalan dengan baik , tapi mengingat jumlah cedera , mereka menghentikan jadwal Jinwoon untuk sementara waktu .

Big Hit Entertainment menyatakan , " Setelah menyelesaikan operasi dengan aman  pada 7 Oktober 2013 pukul  18:00 KST , [ Jinwoon ] sudah mulai pulih kembali ke stabilitas . Karena kita harus melihat kemajuannya , tanggal keluar  dari rumah sakit belum di putuskan . "

" Dia cukup baik untuk mengirim teks di telepon . Meskipun ia menerima pengobatan untuk [ pergelangan kaki ] di rumah sakit , ia belum menerima pengobatan untuk laserasi , jadi kita mengamatinya dengan seksama . Meskipun sulit baginya untuk melaksanakan jadwal yang ditetapkan , ia kemungkinan akan pulih pada Desember tepat pada waktunya untuk konser 2AM . "

Agency ini sebelumnya mengungkapkan bahwa mobil Jinwoon  bertabrakan dengan sebuah truk 25 ton pada 11:30 pada tanggal 6 Oktober 2013. Dia mengalami retak pergelangan kaki kanannya dan menerima laserasi sekitar 10cm ( 4in ) panjang.

Kami berharap Jinwoon pemulihan aman dan cepat !

Following the unfortunate news of 2AM's Jinwoon getting into a car accident with a 25-ton truck, his agency assured fans that his emergency surgery went well, but considering the amount of injuries, they would have to keep a close eye on him and put a halt to his schedule for the time being.

Big Hit Entertainment stated, "After safely completing surgery on the 7th at 6 PM KST, [Jinwoon] is recovering back to stability. Because we have to see his progress, the date of his release from the hospital has not been decided yet."

"He is fine enough to send texts on his phone. Although he received treatment for his [ankle] fracture at the hospital, he has yet to receive treatment for his laceration, so we are watching him closely. Although it is difficult for him to carry out his set schedule, he will likely be fully recovered by December just in time for 2AM's concert."

The agency previously revealed that the car Jinwoon collided with a 25-ton truck at 11:30PM on the 6th. He fractured his right ankle and received a laceration about 10cm (4in) long.

We wish Jinwoon a safe and speedy recovery!

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