Sunhwa SECREYvmenjadi sasaran rumor operasi plastik setelah netizens melihat penampilannya berubah pada acara ' Hello ' , tapi TS Entertainment membantah rumor , menyatakan perubahan yang disebabkan  dalam riasan dan diet .

Sunhwa tampil sebagai tamu pada siaran  7 Oktober 2013  ' Hello ' dan segera mendapat perhatian untuk penampilannya yang berbeda . Meskipun beberapa menyebutkan bahwa itu mungkin di sebabkan oleh rambut dan make up gelap untuk perbedaan tersebut , yang lain percaya dia mungkin memiliki operasi baru-baru ini untuk meningkatkan kelopak mata ganda karena  tampak lebih tebal dari sebelumnya .

TS Entertainment menjelaskan , " SECRET baru saja beralih salon sehingga ada perubahan dalam merias wajah . [ Sunhwa ] tampak berbeda karena alasan ini . Dia tidak menerima operasi atau prosedur . Jika Anda membandingkan dia untuk foto masa lalu , Anda dapat mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu pasti perubahan makeup . "

Perwakilan lain menjawab, " Hal ini karena diet dan perubahan makeup . "

Apakah cingu berpikir dia terlihat berbeda ?

SECRET's Sunhwa became the target of cosmetic surgery rumors after netizens noticed her change in appearance on 'Hello', but TS Entertainment denied the rumors, reasoning that is was due to her change in makeup and diet.

Sunhwa featured as a guest on the October 7th broadcast of 'Hello' and immediately received attention for her different look. Although some mentioned that it was probably the hair and dark makeup that accounted for the difference, others believed she may have had work done recently to enhance her double eyelids as they seemingly appeared thicker than before.

TS Entertainment explained, "SECRET recently switched salons so there was a change in makeup. [Sunhwa] looked different due to this reason. She didn't receive any [cosmetic] surgery or procedure. If you compare her to past photos, you can confirm that it is definitely the change in makeup." Another rep responded, "It is due to her diet and change in makeup."

Do you think she looks different?

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