Dengan penayangan episode akhir ,"Good Doctor"  meluncurkan foto BTS dari hari terakhir syuting .
Para pemain tampaknya memiliki waktu yang baik sampai akhir , terlihat tawa mereka meledak pada setiap NG dan menikmati setiap saat .  

Joo Won mendapat  julukan baru di lokasi syuting yakni  ' Dooly Joo Won ' [ dinamai tokoh komik ] karena pipi tembem lucunya , dan Joo Sang Wook yang menunjukkan rasa humor dengan lelucon nya . Moon Chae Won juga membawa senyum dengan pesona menyegarkan nya selama istirahat .

Perwakilan berkomentar , " Melalui semangat pertempuran , darah , keringat , dan air mata , termasuk aktor Joo Won  , Moon Chae Won , Joo Sang Wook , dan staf yang mampu menciptakan drama berkualitas tinggi . Kami berterima kasih kepada semua orang untuk dapat menyelesaikan syuting lancar selama empat bulan terakhir . "

#Huaaa harus segera cari kasetnya nech :D

With the airing of its final episode, 'Good Doctor' unveiled BTS photos from the last day of filming!

The cast seems to have had a good time until the very end bursting into laughter at each NG and savoring each moment. The life of the party on set were Joo Won who was coined the nickname, 'Dooly Joo Won' [named after a comic character] because of his puffy cheek aegyo, and Joo Sang Wook who showed his sense of humor with his gags. Moon Chae Won also brought smiles with her refreshing charms during breaks.

A representative commented, "Through their fighting spirit, blood, sweat, and tears, the actors including Joo Won, Moon Chae Won, Joo Sang Wook, and the staff were able to create a high quality drama. We thank everyone for being able to finish filming smoothly during the past four months."

Have you caught the last episode yet?

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