Song Hye Kyo

Sementara film itu  tidak dinominasikan dalam kategori film berbahasa asing terbaik , Film mendapatkan nominasi  Oscar  Nods untuk desain kostum William Chang Suk Ping dan sinematografi Philippe Le  . Film di sutradarai Wong Kar Wei  yang didukung oleh Martin Scorsese .

Film ini bercerita tentang Ip Man , master Kung Fu yang melatih Bruce Lee . Tony Leung memainkan Ip Man . Ip Man bekerja untuk menyatukan gaya seni bela diri yang bersaing selama tahun 30-an dan 40-an . Pada saat itu China sedang berperang dengan Jepang .

Versi yang ditunjukkan di AS adalah 22 menit lebih pendek dari versi Cina asli . Wong Kar Wei mengatakan bahwa keputusan untuk memotong film ia mendukungnya . Beberapa referensi budaya telah dihapus .

" Latar belakang budaya cukup rumit bahkan untuk penonton Cina , " kata Wong .

Tetapi beberapa cuplikan cut asli dari rilis Cina telah ditambahkan ke versi AS .

" Kami memiliki kewajiban kontraktual untuk memberikan gambaran  dalam waktu kurang dari dua jam , jadi kami harus membuat versi yang lebih pendek , " Wong menjelaskan, " Tapi aku tidak ingin melakukan versi encer . Bahkan , ada begitu banyak harta karun di komputer kita , adegan yang tidak dibuat ke versi asli . jadi versi baru memiliki lebih serta kurang dari aslinya. "

Song Hye Kyo memainkan istri Ip Man , Cheung Wing Sing . Ketika Song Hye Kyo pertama kali ditawari peran dia bertanya-tanya apakah dia harus menerimanya .

" Istrinya  kuat , bertekad dan sangat cantik, " katanya . " Tapi saya mendengar bahwa saya tidak akan memiliki banyak adegan . "

Dalam final cut film ia muncul hanya enam atau tujuh menit dari film ini. Namun, ia merasa pengalaman itu berharga dan ia senang ia bekerja dengan sutradara kawakan . Dan dia menerima pujian dari sumber yang tak terduga .

" Anak Ip Man mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia benar-benar berterima kasih kepada saya untuk menggambarkan ibunya karena saya mampu membawa kecantikannya untuk hidup di layar lebar , " kata Song Hye Kyo .

Ketika reporter Hollywood Reporter  membahas film tersebut , mereka mengatakan akan menyenangkan jika bisa melihat lebih banyak  Song Hye Kyo .

Academy Awards akan berlangsung pada 2 Maret di Teater Dolby di Hollywood . Ellen DeGeneres akan menjadi Host acara itu lagi . Dia sebelumnya menjadi host  pada tahun 2007 .

While the film was not nominated in the category of best foreign language film, it did get Oscar nods for William Chang Suk Ping's costume design and Philippe Le Sourd's cinematography. Wong Kar Wei directed the film, which was endorsed by Martin Scorsese. It opened theatrically with the credit "Martin Scorsese presents."

The film tells the story of Ip Man, the Kung Fu master who trained Bruce Lee. Tony Leung plays Ip Man. Ip Man worked to unify rival practitioners of various competitive martial arts styles during the 30s and 40s. At that time China was at war with Japan.

The version shown in the U.S. was 22 minutes shorter than the original Chinese version. Wong Kar Wei said that the decision to cut was one he endorsed. Some cultural references were removed.

"The cultural background is quite complicated even for a Chinese audience," said Wong.

But some original footage cut from the Chinese release was added to the U.S. version.

"We had a contractual obligation to deliver a picture that came in under two hours, so we had to create a shorter version," Wong explained, "But I didn't want to do a watered-down version. In fact, there are so many hidden treasures in our computer, scenes that did not make it to the original version. So the new version has more as well as less than the original."

Song Hye Kyo played Ip Man's wife, Cheung Wing Sing. When Song Hye Kyo was first offered the role she wondered if she should take it.

"His wife was strong, determined and very beautiful," she said. "But I heard that I wouldn't have many scenes."

In the film's final cut she appears in only six or seven minutes of the film. However, she felt the experience was worthwhile and she was glad she worked with the veteran director. And she received praise from an unexpected source.

"Ip Man's son told me that he was really thankful to me for portraying his mother because I was able to bring her beauty to life on the big screen," said Song Hye Kyo.

When the Hollywood Reporter reviewed the film, they said it would have been nice to see more of Song Hye Kyo.

"Song Hye-kyo's Madam Ip has only a cursory presence and is basically rendered invisible in the film's second half," read the review.

The Academy Awards will take place on March 2 at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. Ellen DeGeneres will host the show again. She previously hosted in 2007.


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