Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho
Baru-baru ini Park Shin Hye menyatakan  bahwa dia menyukai di gosipkan berpacaran dengan lawan mainnya di  "The Heirs" Lee Min Ho Itu hal yang baik karena rumor masih akan kuat.

Pada program berita SBS "Midnight TV Entertainment," Park Shin Hye menyatakan dia suka rumor karena itu berarti bahwa aktor tampak baik bersama-sama dalam drama mereka "The Heirs."

"Itu membuat saya senang," katanya. Tapi aktris menekankan bahwa ia sebenarnya tidak punya pacar.

Lee Min Ho setuju bahwa rumor harus dilihat sebagai tanda positif bahwa karakter Kim Tan dan karakter Cha Eun Sang memiliki chemistry  yang baik  bersama-sama.

Tapi chemistry    yang begitu baik yang membuat fans  "The Heirs" tidak bisa meninggalkan harapan bahwa kedua akan berkencan  dalam kehidupan nyata. Pekan lalu, sebuah organisasi berita Cina melaporkan bahwa pasangan itu benar-benar telah berpacaran selama dua bulan sejak drama mereka berakhir, tapi tidak memberikan bukti untuk klaim mereka.

Baik Agency Park Shin Hye dan Lee Min Ho keduanya membantah kabar tersebut

Ini bukan pertama kalinya bahwa Park Shin Hye itu dikabarkan akan berkencan dengan lawan mainnya. Selama pembuatan  drama "You're Beautiful "  ia dikabarkan mengencani lawan mainnya Jang Geun Suk. Tapi dia mengatakan mereka lebih seperti kakak dan adik. Mereka tetap dekat sebagai teman.

"Kami hanya menikmati menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama," katanya.

Selama pembuatan drama "Heartstrings" dia dihubungkan dengan Jung Yong Hwa CNBlue  tapi mereka menyangkalnya. Mereka juga tetap teman dekat dan Jung Yong Hwa memanggilnya  "teman selebriti."

Dia pernah bergurau bahwa rumor tentang hubungan mereka tidak mereda karena mereka tampak begitu baik bersama-sama.

Dan Lee Min Ho pernah berkencan dengan lawan mainnya. Dia berkencan dengan Park Min Young, lawan mainnya di "City Hunter"

Park Shin Hye dan Lee Min Ho telah bekerja sama pada sebuah iklan sebelum mereka mulai syuting "The Heirs" dan dengan cepat menjadi teman di lokasi syuting drama.

"Kepribadiannya begitu baik ," ujar Park Shin Hye "Setiap kali kita bekerja sama, kita bercanda dan yang membuatnya nyaman dan mudah untuk  melanjutkan syuting."

Mengapa fans sangat ingin mereka berkencan sampai saat ini  ?

Bagian dari itu mungkin ada hubungannya dengan apa yang membuat Park Shin Hye seorang aktris menarik .  Fans ingin dia bahagia. Sangat menyenangkan menonton aktor k-drama  jatuh untuknya dan membayangkan mereka mungkin jatuh untuk seorang gadis biasa seperti dia.

Penggemar drama ingin percaya karakternya  akan terus bahagia bersama, bahkan jika itu berarti mengambil asmara itu ke dalam kehidupan nyata. Dan itu tidak akan menjadi pertama kalinya beberapa kehidupan nyata bertemu di lokasi syuting drama.

Ini menyenangkan untuk berharap dua aktor ini menemukan kebahagiaan bersama. Atau setidaknya membintangi drama lain bersama-sama.

#Setujukah cingudeul kalo mereka berkencan ??

Recently Park Shin Hye was quoted as saying that she likes the rumors that she and her "The Heirs" co-star Lee Min Ho are dating. That's a good thing because those rumors are still going strong.

On the SBS news program "Midnight TV Entertainment," the actress was quoted as saying she likes the rumors because it meant that the actors looked good together in their drama "The Heirs."

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"It makes me happy," she said. But the actress stressed that she did not in fact have a boyfriend.

Lee Min Ho agreed that the rumors had to be seen as a positive sign that his character Kim Tan and her character Cha Eun Sang had great screen chemistry together.

But that chemistry was so good that "The Heirs" fans could not abandon the hope that the two would date in real life. Last week, a Chinese news organization reported that the couple had actually been dating for two months since their drama ended, but provided no evidence for their claims.

Park Shin Hye's agency S.A.L.T. Entertainment called the story baseless.

"It seems to be a rumor created by the huge popularity of 'The Heirs' in China," said a S.A.L.T. representative. The agency said it was taking measures against such false rumors.

Starhaus Entertainment, Lee Min Ho's agency also denied the rumors, saying that the reason such rumors existed was because "The Heirs" team was so close.

"The rumor that they are dating is 300 percent untrue," said Starhaus.

It's not the first time that Park Shin Hye was rumored to be dating a co-star. During the filming of "You're Beautiful," she was rumored to be dating co-star Jang Geun Suk. But she said they were more like brother and sister. They have remained close as friends.

"We just enjoy spending time together," she said.

During the filming of "Heartstrings" she was linked with CNBlue's Jung Yong Hwa but they denied it. They have also remained close friends and Jung Yong Hwa calls her his only "celebrity friend."

She once joked that the rumors about their relationship did not die down because they looked so good together.

And Lee Min Ho once dated a co-star. He dated Park Min Young, his "City Hunter" co-star.

Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho had worked together on a commercial before they began filming "The Heirs" and quickly became friends on the drama's set.

"His personality is so great," she said. "Whenever we work together, we joke around and that makes it comfortable and easy for shooting to continue."

Why do fans want them to date so badly? Part of it probably has to do with what makes Park Shin Hye such an appealing relatable actress. She's adorably average and it's easy to identify with her. Fans want her to be happy. It's fun watching attractive k-drama actors fall for her and to imagine they might fall for an average girl like her.

The drama's fans want to believe the characters would continue to be happy together, even if it meant taking that romance into real life. And it would not be the first time a real life couple met on the set of a drama.

It's fun to hope these two actors find happiness together. Or at the very least star in another drama together.


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