Super Junior‘s Yesung quietly enlisted in the army on the 6th, and fans were able to see him for the first time since his enlistment with a new, short hairstyle.

Although it’s only been a week since Yesung enlisted in the army, fans who missed him were definitely happy to see the photo update, which was posted to a military training department’s online cafe. Yesung followed the normal procedure for every soldier who enlists by shaving his head and putting on a standard uniform.

ELF commented, “It’s nice to see Yesung again after his enlistment,” “He looks good with short hair,” and “I don’t need to worry anymore after seeing him smile.”

What do you think? Does he look much different from the Yesung you’re used to?

Yesung  Super Junior diam-diam terdaftar di tentara pada tanggal 6 Mei 2013 dan fans bisa melihat dia untuk pertama kalinya sejak pendaftarannya dengan  gaya rambut barunya yang pendek.

Meskipun baru satu minggu sejak Yesung terdaftar di tentara, fans yang merindukannya pasti senang melihat update foto, yang telah diposting ke kafe online departemen pelatihan militer. Yesung mengikuti prosedur normal untuk setiap prajurit yang masuk dengan mencukur rambut dan mengenakan seragam standar.

ELF berkomentar, "Ini bagus untuk melihat Yesung lagi setelah pendaftaran itu," "Dia terlihat baik dengan rambut pendek," dan "Saya tidak perlu khawatir lagi setelah melihat dia tersenyum."

Bagaimana menurut cingu? Apakah dia terlihat jauh berbeda dari Yesung  yang biasa cingu kenal ??

#Omo Yesung oppa bedaaa banget hampir nggak ngenali, lebih cakep rambutnya pendek dech hehehe

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