Lee Kwang Soo is quickly rising in the endorsement industry as he's recently scored a contract with 'LG U ', and BTS photos from his upcoming CF have been unveiled!

Lee Kwang Soo brought his contagious charms on set as he played around with his phone, and like expected, the staff couldn't help but smile upon seeing his energy.

The actor is currently getting ready for the premiere of his new drama 'Goddess of Fire, Jeongi' set to premiere early this July!

Lee Kwang Soo dengan cepat meningkat dalam industri iklan, terbukti  baru-baru ini mencetak kontrak dengan 'LG U', dan foto BTS dari CF mendatang telah diresmikan!

Lee Kwang Soo membawa pesona menular nya di set saat ia bermain-main dengan telepon, dan seperti yang diharapkan, staf tidak bisa menahan senyum saat melihat energinya.

Lee Kwang Soo saat ini sedang bersiap-siap untuk pemutaran perdana drama barunya  'Goddess of Fire, Jeongi'  yang akan premier awal Juli ini!

#Wah sepertinya ramalan bahwa Lee Kwang Soo akan bersinar taon ini beneran dech hehe


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