B1A4, who always brings smiles with their fun personalities and music, has done it again with a behind-the-scenes clip for 'Cosmopolitan'!

In addition to their recent pictorial, B1A4 took fans backstage of the photoshoot where the boys showed a little bromance and were all smiles for the camera.

The group also couldn't hold in their excitement as they asked their fans to come see them at their upcoming '2013 B1A4 Limited Show - Amazing Store', this coming August.

Get your dose of more eye candy from B1A4 in the making film above!

B1A4, yang selalu membawa senyum dengan kepribadian menyenangkan dan musik mereka, telah melakukan lagi dengan klip behind-the-scenes untuk 'Cosmopolitan'!

Selain foto-foto terbaru mereka, B1A4 membawa penggemar ke belakang panggung pemotretan di mana mereka menunjukkan bromance kecil dan semua tersenyum untuk kamera.

Grup ini juga tidak bisa menahan kegembiraan mereka karena mereka meminta fans mereka untuk datang melihat mereka di  '2013 B1A4 Limited Show - Amazing Store' bulan Agustus mendatang.

Check Video  behind-the-scenes untuk 'Cosmopolitan' mereka :)


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