Aktor Kim Tae Woo telah terpilih  untuk peran pendukung dalam serial baru SBS drama GOD'S GIFT - 14 DAYS (judul harfiah "Shinui Sunmool - 14il") yang telah memilih  Lee Bo-Young dalam peran wanita utama.

Dalam serial drama, Kim Tae-Woo akan memainkan suami dari Kim Soo Hyun (Lee Bo-Young). Karakter-Nya bekerja sebagai pengacara hak asasi manusia dan dia seorang suami penuh perhatian, tapi ia memiliki rahasia.

Sementara itu, aktor Cho Seung Woo positif meninjau  peran utama laki-laki Ki Dong-Chan. Jika dia menerima, karakternya bekerja sebagai detektif swasta dan dia membantu Kim Soo Hyun untuk menyelamatkan putrinya.

 GOD'S GIFT - 14 DAYS pertama mengudara 17 Februari 2014 di Korea Selatan (mengambil alih slot waktu Senin & Selasa 22:00 yang  saat ini dipegang oleh " "A Word From Warm Heart").

#Moga drama eonni sukses lagi ^^

Actor Kim Tae-Woo is cast for a supporting role in upcoming SBS drama series GOD'S GIFT - 14 DAYS (literal title of "Shinui Sunmool - 14il") which has already cast Lee Bo-Young in the lead female role.

In the drama series, Kim Tae-Woo will play the husband of Kim Soo-Hyun (Lee Bo-Young). His character works as a human rights attorney and he's an attentive husband, but he has a secret.

Meanwhile, actor Cho Seung-Woo is positively considering the lead male role of Ki Dong-Chan. If he accepts, his character works as a private detective and he helps Kim Soo-Hyun to save her daughter.

GOD'S GIFT - 14 DAYS first airs February 17, 2014 in South Korea (takes over the Monday & Tuesday 10pm time slot currently held by "A Word From Warm Heart").


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