Polisi dipanggil ke rumah Amy setelah temannya melihat posting bunuh diri sang penyanyi pada SNS nya.

Pada sekitar tengah malam pada tanggal 19 Januari 2014 , Amy mengirim sms pada  temannya, berkata, "Saya ingin mati". Ketika temannya melihat posting, dia melaporkan segera kepada polisi, yang mengirimkan petugasnya  cepat ke tempat tinggal Amy di Hannam-dong.

Karena kontroversi baru-baru ini yang melibatkan mantan pacarnya yang jaksa, ia mungkin beresiko tinggi. Namun, ketika polisi sampai di rumah Amy, dia baik-baik saja.

Mudah-mudahan, tidak ada lagi ketakutan untuk Amy.

  #Mudah-mudahan dia nggak benar-benar bunuh diri akhirnya

The police were called to Amy's house after her friend saw suicidal posts on her SNS.

At around midnight on the 19th, Amy texted her friend, saying, "I want to die". When her friend saw the posts, she reported it immediately to the police, who dispatched officers quickly to where Amy lived in Hannam-dong.

Because of her recent controversy involving an ex-prosecutor boyfriend, she might have been at high risk. However, when the police got to Amy's house, she was perfectly fine.

Hopefully, there are no more scares for Amy.


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